Jai-Alai Question of the Week

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#162 - What's with the Pick-4?

Posted on September 20, 2006 at 01:14:30 PM by Tiger

Seems to have been greeted with a resounding "Zzzzzzzz". It looks like about $1,600 was bet on forceout night but, other than that, Dania must be really disappointed. Under $300 bet most other nights. Typically, only one winning ticket - doesn't encourage bettors to hurry back.

Here are the results, so far:

Date     Perf   Fin    #    Payoff    Carry     Added   Pool  Tix

9/8/06	 Fri E	7633   3      9.90   389.00    389.00    519   13
9/9/06	 Sat A	2125   3     13.10   625.00    236.00    315    6
9/9/06	 Sat E	2218   4  1,053.10             428.10    428    1 (Hit)
9/10/06	 Sun A	2212   3     28.50   171.00    171.00    228    2
9/12/06	 Tue A	7454   3     48.40   316.92    145.92    195    1
9/12/06	 Tue E	6413   3     34.90   421.80    104.88    140    1
9/13/06	 Wed E	2367   3     43.10   551.19    129.39    173    1
9/14/06	 Thu E	5517   4  1,669.90           1,118.71  1,119    1 (Hit+force)
9/15/06	 Fri E	1762   3     53.90   161.00    161.00    215    1
9/16/06	 Sat A	8637   2      2.30   260.00     99.00    132   14
9/16/06	 Sat E	2838   3     48.00   404.70    144.70    193    1
9/17/06	 Sun A	5234   3     30.80   585.00    180.30    240    2
9/19/06	 Tue A	4336   3     44.00   722.19    137.19    183    1
9/19/06	 Tue E	2242   2      3.60   846.00    123.81    165   11

Seems to me, if we don't at least get rid of the force, that this thing will lay an egg. The cap, too, while we're at it.

I'm sure Dania will contend that it's all about boosting Thursday night, but that's not the way to build momentum for this bet.

I pushed it for a long time, but I never envisioned the force and the cap, which I think will ruin it.

What do you think?


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