Jai-Alai Question of the Week

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Re(2): #142 - Time to stick a fork in the Quiniela Double?

Posted on May 4, 2006 at 05:15:00 PM by Pari Mutuel Junkie

The Orlando tote machines can bet a Quiniela Double, IF Orlando wanted to have one at Orlando. The problem is there is NO way to bet it from one tote system to another. Connecticut OTB (Autotote) can not bet Miami's Quiniela Double because there is no way to transfer the data. Transfer protocols must be written for every bet that is transferred from one system to another, and it must be done the same way. There was no request to write a protocol for the Quiniela Double. Miami and Fort Pierce are on the same tote hub (the same computer) so it can be bet at either place. Piss and moan, but that is the way it is.


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