Great question Tiger!!
I have always heard that fronts were better in singles but I wil
have to say its kinda equal.
Some backs that I liked in singles Elorza (Mil,Bpt,Htfd,Mia), Lasa (Htfd/BPT/MIL),
Arrieta (Mil/Dan), Boniguen (MIL/DAN), Urquiaga (HTFD), Tolosa (MIL/DAN),
Unanue (BPT/MIL), Irazabal (HTFD/MIL/DAYTONA) to name a few.
Fronts: Iruta (Mil) he got hurt and retired. Chema (Mil/BPT), Izu (Mil/Bpt),
Juaristi (Mil/Dania), Anacabe (Mil/Bpt), Zabala (Mil/Dania/Htfd),
Beide (Mil/Nwpt), Said (Nwpt/PB).