Jai-Alai Question of the Week

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Emphy...don't thank me!

Posted on September 1, 2004 at 10:15:10 AM by Tony and the Crew

My pizon,

Don't thank me, thank my really good friend, an ex-player that did the sleuthing. I knew that you were highly interested in partidos from the Basque Country, so I went ahead, and I asked my friend to do "the talking" with Canal Vasco. I gladly help anyone who loves this sport as much as I do...and I respect your enthusiasm and appreciation of the game. Let me tell you, though...the prices aren't cheap. Elizegi, your fave, is in many partidos that are available for sale. I'll keep you posted...I don't have all the particulars quite yet...so hang in there!

I'll throw you however another crust of bread (lol): Mitxelena and Pedrouzo versus Txikito de Bolivar and Félix!!! What a match-up that would be to see!!!!

Best Regards to you,
Tony and the Crew


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