Derek Jeter has a ball go thru his legs.
Kobe Bryant misses a free throw.
Randy Moss drops a pass in the end zone.
Billy Wagner plunks a batter to force in the winning run.
Lebron James misses a lay up.
Tom Brady fumbles a snap..
All of this can happen. We have all played these sports as a youngster
or in recreational leagues. We have all done these things. Errors
happen. We can relate to this.
Jai Alai most have never played. The game doesn't look that fast
on a tv monitor. Those shots coming off the front wall look straight
to me. A player tips a ball right at him. It must be fixed. A
player drops a slow, high bounced shot. Its gotta be fixed. Throw
in a player who looks like he is not hustling right before that
ball bounces twice. Now I know its fixed. Throw in next a lost
wager.. Yup. Fixed.
That is why hustle/superior play will always be a must.