I believe the people that think the game is " fixed",
are people that have no athletic skills at all. If they did, they
would understand how difficult it is to play the game. I was a
pretty good athlete in my time, playing semi-pro baseball, and
fast pitch softball. I had a lot of trouble trying to play the
game the first few times I strapped on a cesta. (More like a few
dozen times to be honest.)
I use to get into more arguments with people at Bridgeport and
Milford about this subject. I was once told by someone that the
numbers for each game were posted in the locker room. I asked
him how he knew that. Oh, he said, the woman that sells the pizza
told me. The other reason they would give was that a player makes
a great catch and return, then drops the next easy one. Or they
over or under serve on purpose. I try to explain that pro tennis
players don't make perfect serves all the time either. Thats different
they would tell me. No matter how hard you try to convince them
that it is not fixed, but it would fall on deaf ears.