Jai-Alai Question of the Week

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Re(3): #44 - What is the best tournament format?

Posted on June 15, 2004 at 09:46:28 AM by Daniel I

I have no problems with the format, but have a few thoughts....

First, both frontons have the right idea. If Miami is going to do afternoons, the tourny should be last. In Dania's case, they are smart in putting the games in the middle, since it is a night card. Many folks are long gone by game 10.

My other thought is that Dania and Miami should have their own intra-fronton tournament that lasts several weeks. Milford did this for years, and it was very competitive. I remember going on many Friday nights during their "Fall Campeonato." If it puts a few more butts in the seats, why not go for it?


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