Jai-Alai Question of the Week

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Smoking and Jai-Alai

Posted on March 24, 2004 at 09:51:29 AM by Roger

Ever since the Surgeon General's Report on smoking, in the mid-1960's, smoking has been on the decline. Even the "smoked-filled rooms" of politics are no more. I never smoked. My wife (34 year marriage), gave up smoking "cold turkey" 13 years ago. I mention this merely so you will have some perscpective as to where I'm coming from. I approve of the smoking ban in frontons. I remember when going to the Miami fronton meant emerging with my clothes smelling of cigarette smoke, even though I and those I was with did not smoke. That, plus the smoke odor in the fronton, decreased the enjoyment of going to see Jai-Alai. Therefore, I think an argument exists that the smoking ban may increase the handle. Non-smokers will be more inclined to go to the fronton. That having been said, I do believe that the percentage of smokers among gamblers is greater than that of the general population. Additionally, I remember, deceades ago, when Soroa (at Miami) was injured and could not play for a few weeks. The fronton had him signing autographs in the lobby during that time. To my and my wife's amazement, he was smoking! Would his (already wonderful) play have been even better if he didn't smoke? Thanks for listening.


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