People wouldn't bet on it in other states. You can't compare
something like the Kentucky Derby to Jai alai. Jai alai doesn't
transfer well to a TV monitor in some crappy OTB parlor somewhere.
I doubt the Mohegan Sun gets much action. Vegas could offer it,
if there was enough interest.
Nobody cares to bet on it, or even attend in person. I can't see
somebody in Chicago wanting to bet on it.
If the public doesn't support it, yet does support poker rooms....then
just maybe let the people have what they want. Requiring a poker
room to have BS pelota games like Ocala is ridicurous.
I love the game....but if it can't survive on it's own merits,
it should no longer exist in some sorry state in dilapidated buildings
with leaking roofs and bathrooms that are like porta-potties at
a construction site. It's like putting down your faithful dog
when he is dying, but it is the right thing to do.