I am a new fan of jai alai and I was introduced to the sport
by a video some students did about the decline of the sport. What
sadden me most was the fact that I never went to see it here in
Orlando while it was here and looking back, I probably would have
if I had seen a video of the sport instead of a commercial on
tv. What is needed are player interviews, post videos of the intimate
lives of the players in a reality tv type short format along with
the videos of their great plays. Some how a guy with a suit needs
to sell the owners of Miami and Dania the real growth potential
in this market for very little overhead cost in an online format
that could expand to Spanish television. These player shorts would
play based on who won and would play in between the live streaming
games. Maybe some one could interview the player after they won
a game. Thanks for asking everyone for input that is always the
best way to go!
Peace Toby!