Jai-alai Question of the Week

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#328 - Are there more or less runouts in early games?

Posted on December 5, 2009 at 09:56:47 AM by Tiger

We've talked a lot about runouts lately, so here's a replay of one of our ancient questions. Let's see how the newer audience responds.

One preqequisite for a 'runout waiting to happen' is when there's a strong team late in the rotation with poorer teams before and (especially) after. You could call this a 'class sandwich'.

Can we assume, with more uneven competition, that this situation occurs more frequently in the early games? If so, we should see a higher occurrence of runout-type combos in the early games, vis-a-vis the same combos in later games.

Or, do you think it's more likely in the lates? Why?

(there were no responses to this question)

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