The recent All-All-All-All winner may have cast a pall over this bet, but, what's to do?
1) You could put in your own A-A-A-A bet ($4,096) while the pot is primed at $500. But, even if you won it outright, you'd only get back about $3,225. And, heaven forbid, you might have to split. I guess we'll diss that option
1A) You could hold your A-A-A-A until the jackpot grows high
enough to cover your bet (if you're the only winner) - that's
about $1,500. Chances are, you're the only winner, but, if you
split, you're still a loser. So, figure the probabilities.
2) You could plan your bets, but hold them off unless somebody
threw in an A-A-A-A. Nice strategy, but you better be fast.
3) You could bump your bets up to, say $5, if someone bet an
A-A-A-A. This is really neat, since you might snag 5-6ths
of the pool. But, again, you'd better be fast.
4) Just bet as usual, maybe increasing the number of combos as
the jackpot grows.
#2 and #3 are probably unworkable, from a timing point of view,
so, again, what's to do?
Sharpen your pencils! I'm really hoping to hear some innovative
strategies here.