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Re(3): #74 - Who uses exponential smoothing?

Posted on January 13, 2005 at 11:50:29 AM by NewFan

I don't use exponential smoothing in estimating player/team skill level (i.e., point-win proportions in my system), prefering the long-term estimate. Tiger and I have discussed this in the past. Suffice to say I agree philosophically with J.A. Tech in the sense that it well may be self-defeating. The money boys at the simulcasts and in the fronton know who is hot; better to try to find someone who is "cold" and could be undervalued given their "true" skill level.

I' would like to hear more about your empirical analysis that resulted in the choice of a .10 alpha, El Tigre. While I am a fan of empiricism, I was trained to put theory first. And if I am simulating a Yanks/Sox game circa 1948, Ted Williams is going into the mix as a .340 hitter whether he was 0 for 5 or 4 for 5 the day before.

I do have an elaborate way of estimating team point-win percentages. It involves coming up with an estimate of the theoretical skill level of the team using the skill estimates of the individual players via a regression formula I developed, and combining that with the actual performance data of the team. Bascially, as more observations come in, the theoretical estimate is weighed less and the actual performance data more. It is especially useful when a new player comes on board, like Lopez in November.

For fun over the holidays, I worked on some time series models of the a priori simulation probabilites of the winning exacta combination and got some interesting (alas, not from a finaincial standpoint!) results. Can't go into them at the moment -- perhaps at the next Geek Forum.



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