Actually it's Palm Beach Gardens. Big driving difference for Dania
and Miami.
Sorry to disappoint you, but I am steering clear of this one.
I am extremely skeptical however.
My idea of "verifying", as you say, would be to compare
to a known sample of runouts. I need proof, certainty.
Put it this way. If I set up my sim to give a 4% server advantage,
then tally the runouts for a million game run, do you think you
could deduce the runout count by examining the generated results?
That would be one way to verify your belief.
Put it another way. Suppose I set it up so that every time a runout
occurred, we backed up and had the team lose at game point. Hence
zero runouts per million. Could you detect that?
Without checking, I believe that every number resulting from a
runout can also occur in this stopping-at-game-point scenario,
so how do you truly know that didn't happen?
I will just wait to see your proof.