And you're there on opening night.
Somehow, the so-called pelotaris (mostly Venusian slime-worms)
have managed to slip on their cestas (and I do mean slip).
You are relieved, however, to find that that the old familiar
rules, scoring and rotation are being used (maybe that portrait
of Buddy Berenson in the lobby has something to do with that).
Since it's opening night, we don't know anything about the players,
however, I did see some multi-legged little critter came out of
the computer room muttering something about "fairplay.....fairplay"
(or was it foreplay?)
Anyway, we don't know much - better go with the numbers!
I'll take the 1-2, 2-3, 3-4 and 4-8 Quinielas.
How about the rest of you trekkers?