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Re(1): Put in the Jai-Alai folklore box

Posted on May 19, 2014 at 02:40:25 AM by Blackie

Hey Mink, I don't doubt what you saw but you would have to agree that's its kind of odd that big strong guys like Goiko and Lopez cant even come close to the 188 mph mark. I know the speed measurement devices of 20-30 years ago were not as sophisticated as todays so maybe that has something to do with it.

Also, when you say you saw someone throw a homerun are you talking wall to wall to wall with a bounce or without a bounce, because that one bounce makes all the difference.

BTW-When we were trying to find a replacement plasticball some samples were sent by a plastics manufacturer and one of the was a super live ball. Just out of curiosity I took it on the hardball court and I was able to throw a homerun without a bounce but only because of the insane liveliness of the ball.


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