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Re(1): The most unusual game program I've ever seen

Posted on March 14, 2014 at 02:47:14 PM by Craig G

Before making any other comments, it is a coincidence that the numerals '6', '7', and '9' are somewhat idiosyncratic and also appear only once each in your sample.

I say 'idiosyncratic' because I just googled 'handwritten numerals' and simply do not see many 7's where the writer uses a right angle to start the descending part, nor any cases where the closing loop for the 9 is NOT angled up or at least finishing horizontally. There is also a conscious decision to make the 6 and 9 asymmetrical.

Since the annotator is so meticulously consistent, I am assuming that those numerals are very similar on other pages.

Also, is there a case where the payoffs go into the thousands? I would like to see how they handled that.


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