Jai-Alai Chalk Talk Hall of Fame

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Re(3): Dennis N. nailed it

Posted on September 17, 2007 at 03:37:03 PM by crack head

WE may be smokin something , but take a look at these prices.

You rarely see a number like this pay so low.
If it was 6-3-2 I would say OK. Also - look at the Q & per.

GAME 7 -----------------------------------
2 Cancio-Urtaran 8.80 4.60 4.20
6 Olha-Ulises 5.00 3.60
3 Gorrono-Chasio 3.60
QUINIELA 2-6 52.20
EXACTA 2-6 196.80
TRIFECTA 2-6-3 198.20

Cancio\Eibar on top of a 3-4-2. You know Jon, Laurent, Gorrono, Ulises (and maybe others)had to have more tri money than this team.

GAME 4 -----------------------------------
3 Cancio-Eibar 33.00 11.20 5.40
4 Jon-Larrea 11.20 3.00
2 Sierra I-Chasio 2.40
QUINIELA 3-4 51.40
EXACTA 3-4 124.80
TRIFECTA 3-4-2 260.40

Granted it is EGI, but come on 4-8-3 paying less than $300.

GAME 9 -----------------------------------
4 Egi-Oyarbide 7.40 5.00 5.20
8 Beitia-Urtaran 10.40 8.60
3 Ochoa-Iru 3.20
QUINIELA 4-8 50.80
EXACTA 4-8 189.60
TRIFECTA 4-8-3 261.80

Not a bad price here until you consider the winning team. I like both players but they had to be the least used team on top of tris in this game.

GAME 10 -----------------------------------
4 Beitia-Carvalho 12.20 16.00 4.20
3 Solozabal-Iru 7.60 3.00
7 Egi-Hernandez 2.20
QUINIELA 3-4 43.60
EXACTA 4-3 151.20
TRIFECTA 4-3-7 456.60


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