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A Letter to Thee

Posted on February 6, 2008 at 07:19:25 PM by ArmentA

A letter to Thee:

Hello my friend. I know that you are now in a better place now and it is a better place only because of your presence there which makes this world not so good because of your departure. I know that you were loved by many, hated by many but all knew you as the same person. You were about as genuine and sincere as you were a prankster and a clown. Brother, you were the true definition of a character. Of those who I have told about your death, most of them did not know you very well but were equally as shocked about your death as if they heard that a close family member or friend had passed. You always left an impression on all who crossed your path, good or bad. I can’t tell you enough how much you will be missed.
You were the only family I have had since my time here in Florida. You made a promise to my father that you would look after me and I would not have made it this far in life if you were not a man of your word. I will miss your laughter, and I will miss your sincere and blunt talks with me. Not having you here with me will leave an enormous void in my existence.
We shared a common love and passion for the game of Jai-Alai. You enjoyed jai-alai more than anybody I ever knew. You got to throw the rock on almost every court in the world and that is an accomplishment that many will envy and few will accomplish. I always enjoyed watching you dive (or as I used to say to you: gingerly lay on the floor) for a rebote. Watching you serve from the seven line. Watching you run down a dejada. Hearing your classic chant of “you a stink”. You were super cool.
I really wish I was able to watch you walk down the aisle with Jettie. The both of you made a beautiful couple and you sounded truly happy the last time we spoke.
Your Last words to me as I told you my big plans for my life and my future wife were: “Kid, for the first time in your life you sound truly happy. Stay on your path and don’t mess it up. Don’t disappoint me”… I promise you I will not disappoint you.
You inspired me because nobody enjoyed life the way you did. A statement like this is typically followed by the phrase “Rest in Peace” but I know that even in death there is no rest in you so I hope that the other side enjoys your company as much as all of us who knew you did here in life. I hope to see you again some day. Until then, you will always be my inspiration to do better for myself and you will always be in my thoughts. See you again one day my Friend.

Your adopted son,


P.S. If you see Jack, tell him I said hello and I miss him too.


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