Re(2): Handicapping opinions
Posted on September 20, 2003 at 01:33:38 PM by Bluto
In answer to some questions in this thread.
To Tiger.
1.Generally, I prefer to bet Jai Alai live, I really enjoy the
game, and I like to be able to react on the spot to the way a
player is playing during that performance, although advance betting
is always an option.
2.Yes 1 dollar straights are available.
3.My play per game varies depending on pool size, but generally
is betweeen 60-100 dollars per game, although I will lower that
during some performances when the pools are smaller. Im flexible
on that subject.
4.I wouldnt call patience my longest asset, although I have enough
patience to sit back and only get really involved in a few games
a performance and play a quinella or an exacta in other games
(which yes I know cuts into profit, but not much, and keeps things
To Craig.
I've bounced around alot lately in terms of what I've bet, I'd
say at the moment my predominant bet, in games I like, is to play
a $60 dollar trifecta key, keying 1 team in all 3 positions with
5 other teams. I'll back that with common runout comibinations
if I think there is a strong 2nd choice in the game. If a team
I particularly like is in a later post, I'll often key them to
win over everybody, and then back that up with common combinations
to try to double up.