Yup. That'd be me.
I thought this thread was about Wayne. How did we get de-railed onto Elizegi?
No matter.
Since my pseudonym was tossed onto the cancha, I just can't resist a reply.
Elizegi was far and above, my favorite. I guess that's sorta obvious.
His main strength (and I DEW mean strength) was in his arm. He
could throw like nobody I've seen....now, granted, my experience
with this game and knowing of people who could really fling the
pelota, is miserably limited compared to the experiences of many
of the people who throng to this board....and when his arm started
going (if I remember correctly, he was just a somewhat above average
catcher and many were the facepalms I did while watching him blow
an easy catch), he took it badly and it started reflecting itself
in his behavior. There's nothing like knowing you're not who you
were and being reminded of it constantly by people who couldn't
come close to your ability on their very effing best day.
That's it. End of comments on Elizegi.
I go back to playing WoW now.....my main character in that game?
Why, of course, Elizegi!