Well if we can go back to the year 1984 you probably would have
a kid posting online that was obsessed with "Miami Vice".
I learned of jai-alai at the time because of the show's opening
music and action shots of the sport and pink flamingos....and
of course the hot chicks at the beach. While in junior high I
researched everything I could about the sport. The coolest thing
was finally being able to watch the sport live just a quick 25
miles south in Hartford. What a luxory when 47 other states at
the time only got a glimpse of the sport by watching Miami Vice.
People have no clue the type of passion I had for the game at
one time. I watched so many live games I could almost vision myself
being able to pick up a cesta for the first time and know how
to play the game better then any pro. The first time I did strap
on a cesta was at Hartford jai-alai....on my first throw the pelota went directly to the ground.