Jai-Alai Question of the Week

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Re(1): #206 - Can numbers become ''due''?

Posted on July 25, 2007 at 09:23:51 AM by Jay

with human nature involved, i wanna say YES,,,but,,,,being that i am in the mining field now and work with alot of numbers on many different levels, the "due theory" is always a part of the culture of our daily lives. perhaps it has to do with the way we were brought up or perhaps it has to do with the unpredictableness of things that we wish we could control, but the bottom line is that EVERYTHING has a time limit when us humans seek to control any sort of stastistic on any subject,
when things are going well and we can predict the outcome of a race/game/action, then we talk ourselves into thinking we can always control the "knowingness" of the event, but when the opposite occures,we always tend to say "well it was due" to explain our losses. the flip side to this arguement is that given any specific realm of possibilities and anything that can be given a frequency to, then of course the due theory will always prevail as the ruler to any such event.....i personally go with the simple mathmatical equation of...add the strength of any potential dominator, subtract 1/2 the total field, then add the color blue and multiply wednesday, then divied a cold beer with a side of wings and the answer will alway be your 2nd guess!

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