Jai-Alai Question of the Week

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Re(2): #159 - How (when) did you get your first cesta?

It was quite a few years ago now, so I don't remember my first basket.

I remember one of my first. I bought a backcourt cesta from a shady co-owner of amateur jai alai. I thought it was new because it had no name and looked in perfect shape. Of course, I now believe that it was a broken basket that was watered well. I was a kid and just started playing and wouldn't have known the difference.

I realized today I've been playing with the same cesta for the past 6 years...an Olate basket I bought during league play at Milford Amateur. Of course, playing with a tennis ball on a racquetball court, I might get 6 more years out of it. Problem is that the glove gave me a huge blister last week. Oh well...put a band-aid on it and let's go!

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