Re(3): #123 - Playing for runouts? 4 vs. 5, 6 vs. 7
Posted on December 20, 2005 at 12:12:06 PM by Craig G
Well Jim, here is the real issue:
Can you - or anyone for that matter - predict a runout? Can you
do better than random guessing?
Sensei insists that players cannot be "due", but I wonder
what observers like you and Bluto think.
Personally, I believe that there can be an ebb and flow to human
behaviour, and that if you happen to live and breathe jai-alai,
and are a good observer, you might just lock onto the pulse of
selected players.
A situation might come up where a player who is in very good form
has had bad posts and bad partners all night, and is now down
to his last reasonable chance to "do something". Who
is to say that he cannot respond by digging deep, and amazing
the world with a perfect game?
Runouts happen, and many times the body language of the player(s)
afterword tells you that it meant something special to achieve
it. It wasn't just a random string of points. It was the result
of an extra effort, bearing down, focusing, pent up demand, call
it whatever you like. It just might be predictable.