Jai-Alai Question of the Week

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Re(1): #102 - How about a mid-performance amateur game?

Posted on July 25, 2005 at 09:13:17 AM by Perry

I'd enjoy watching an amateur game, but I wouldn't bet on it.

As for promoting it, I wouldn't do a heckuva lot. Maybe an ad in the program, announcements in the fronton, and a crawler on the CCTV screens and on the webcast. I don't think it would bring in enough new people to justify the expense of any major promotional efforts.

I think the real jai-alai fans would enjoy it, but Joe Gambler wouldn't. As we all know, as bettors we lose more games than we win, and gamblers get upset when they lose because of poor play by the players on whom they've wagered. That would be a problem if gambling were to be allowed on an amateur game. That's one reason I wouldn't allow betting. Another reason I wouldn't like to see betting is the lack of past performance data. Then again, some people wouldn't care about that....

If not enough amateurs showed up, no problem if there's no betting. Just go with fewer post positions. After all, it'd just be an exhibition.

As for whether the pros would let the amateurs into the locker room, wouldn't that be the decision of the management?

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