It seems like it's a two way street, and in some ways, I can't
blame the players for a lack of enthusiasm from time to time.
For instance, I was watching some of the web-cast on Memorial
Day, and the crowd was unbelievably obnoxious. I could hear fans
yelling Youre all a bunch of crooks! Who wants
to listen to that riff raff? The pools were relatively small,
so I know the attendance was probably low. The players end up
playing on their day off for a bunch of jerks that do nothing
but boo and yell. Everybody has a breaking point, and can only
take so much abuse from ungrateful fans.
Would larger crowds help? Absolutely! The whiners in the front
row that just lost their $40 trifecta box would be drowned out
by the other fans and kept in check (by those trying to enjoy
the game). At least, thats what I would hope.
Im too young to know what it was like during the good times.
Does anybody remember such blatant disrespect?