Out of the (sadly) now defunct frontons in the northeast, I would
have to say Bridgeport was my favorite one. I liked the overall
feel of the place and they always had a lot of great promotions.
Milford was nicer to look at, but I believed the court was slower,
and it was too much of a sterile enviornment. I only went to Hartford
about 5-7 times, and I enjoyed it very much and wish I could have
gone more.
Newport, What can I say? The ambiance of the jai-alai area was
like a barn, and the level of service was almost non-existant,
but I would give anything to have it back right now. In Florida,
I've been to Orlando, Ft. Pierce, Dania and Miami. In overall
level of fronton exerience (not including play) I would go in
order Ft. Pierce, Dania, Miami and Orlando.