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Re(1): Put in the Jai-Alai folklore box

Posted on May 19, 2014 at 00:49:12 AM by mink

I believe the term Home Run started in Newport in the late 70s. It happen quite a bit there, players even tried throwing Home Runs durning games. They even had a Home Run contest one night after the 7th game. I don't remember who one but a lot of guys tried and a lot of guys could do it.

I was there when Aretio thew the ball 188, mph, it did happen. A guy from The Guinness Book was there he was on the court with the radar gun, a lot of players tried to do it but no one came close until Aretio came up and after a few throw's he got it up to 188, We were sitting in the front row right behind the guy from The Guinness Book and I along with Marshall and are fried Roger who became RI State official could see the numbers on the gun 188.


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