I noticed that word too brucefan. Not clear, but I did the math and it looks like if they return Sep 2 and run until Dec 30 then they will need to keep running 7 performances a week to get to 150 by Dec 30. So I think the live "schedule" should remain the same as far as days of operation. Now the summer season typically goes thru the end of October each year. If the players have contracts that are aligned with the season, then that means that everyone on the current roster should have a signed contract thru the end of October. If that is the case then my guess is all the players who were there in July would return on Sep 2 and play for September and October. And I would also guess that they would probably reduce the roster and run on a skeleton crew for Nov 1 to Dec 30. That is just a guess though, and it could be that the current players are actually signed thru year end which would mean they would have the chance to play thru Dec 30. The big question is what do they do beyond that point as far as signing players? Will they offer contracts to the current players that start in a year when these renovations are done? Or do they just release all the players and then re-assemble a roster when they are ready to start playing jai-alai again in a year?