Though i profess too be too young too see a majority of the
players listed in this thread only on video...I did see bolivar
play in CT and a few others not mentioned here..mendi, remen i
also saw live and they were considered top players. I do not see
how goiko would be relegated to middling status on any roster.
His forehand placement shots are devastating in any era..his ability
to cover the court is without peer in todays game for any front...and
his catching ability is actually underrated.
I have talked too a few people who went to miami in the heyday
and bridgeport and hartford..and most of them have told me goiko
is as good if not better then anyone on those rosters...I do agree
the talent pool is much thinner now..but thats more of an indictment
on the game itself then historical ability of goikos game.