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Re(5): No touch the screen rule at Orlando...more info please

Posted on January 11, 2012 at 02:16:58 PM by Jim

That seems a little harsh on Perry. I'm used to it, so yell at me instead LOL. If anything is "whacky" it is the payoffs at Orlando. Because of the less diluted pools, AT TIMES, as opposed to Miami or Dania, why else do you think that daily there is one winner on the trifecta? Fans bet nearly strictly on players at Orlando, which is why in a game where Egi, Foronda and Hernandez are out of the money, and a 4-1-3 comes in with a weak team on top, the tri usually very, very well. I love it like that. I've hit so many big winner over the years as a result. Perry is exactly right about he 5, 6, and 7 thing. How can you pick one when they are all good? That does make it challenging.

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