I have consistently gone to Miami Jai Alai on Saturdays for
a couple months now and I have learned to ignore the sad discouraging
parts. I wanted to buy a shirt or a hat and they don't have any,
they have a very small room with no one there with a couple of
small shirts for sale. No more restaurant overlooking the court,
the place looks rundown, the court needs a paintjob really bad,
BUT, the jai alai is SO GOOD! that makes me forget about the other
things. I have seen crowds of 300+ people consistently on Saturdays
(yes I counted them) and the tellers are very nice (I dont use
machines) and I can sit in the front by the serve line and have
a great time watching these very good players. I dont even bet
a lot, just quiniela boxes and some perfectas, just go to enjoy
the show.
If you havent seen Lopez/Storza and Goico play, you are missing
on some of the best jai alai that has ever been played in that
fronton. Don't let the negatives ruin that pleasure of watching
pure force jai alai!