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Re(2): My first (and last?) visit to Miami Jai Alai

Posted on June 15, 2012 at 07:06:38 PM by Sr Analyst

I last saw live games at Dania in Feb 1985 before moving out of state but was a regular at Miami from 1969. Have only recently started watching the simulcasts from Miami and Dania. Miami by far looks the worse. I see that old scoreboard that I saw live thousands of times and cringe at how decrepit it looks - doesn't even display the Win price. The court looks choppy and needs paint and the matinees-only policy is obviously designed to keep the game from any potential sucess. I watch occasionally because the play can be very good and want to see Goiko (is he hurt?) but am sick to my heart about the passing of the glory days. There was nothing like that 12th game on Sat. night to energize your soul.

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