As for the 40 performances....I checked the statute and posted
it in another thread. What constitutes a 'full schedule'
is different for different types of pari-mutuels. For jai-alai
it is 100 live performances....EXCEPT that it was adjusted to read:
for a jai alai permitholder who does not operate slot machines
in its pari-mutuel facility, who has conducted at least 100 live
performances per year for at least 10 years after December 31,
1992, and whose handle on live jai alai games conducted at its
pari-mutuel facility has been less than $4 million per state fiscal
year for at least 2 consecutive years after June 30, 1992, the
conduct of a combination of at least 40 live evening or matinee
performances during the preceding year
This is straight from the statute. So it applies to any fronton
that meets those parameters. I believe that at the time this was
written the only fronton that would have qualified for that (based
on having low enough handle) was Ocala. There was never any reports
of this affecting other frontons, but there were reports showing
this would cause a change at Ocala. It seemed as though that was
where they came up with the number at $4 million....that this
essentially would impact Ocala and nowhere else. Either places
like the Fort/Orlando do meet these requirements....or it is an
allowance being made for the hurricanes.