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Re(2): The Death Of Jai Alai

Posted on January 14, 2004 at 03:54:15 AM by Stephen Ceslik

Thanks for the welcome! From what I've seen of this site/board, is that Jai Alai still is a passionate subject to many, and that's enough to keep me around for awhile! As for my whiny first post, I'm finally recovering from the flu (nasty!), and am seeing things in a slightly positive perspective since then. I mean, Jai Alai for me was going to the Bridgeport Fronton with my dad and gagging on the smoke-saturated air, but being completely BLOWN AWAY by the speed, grace, and pageantry of the whole thing. And basically, just me and one buddy with our used cestas (my grandmother barged her way into the back of Dania Jai Alai I think, and demanded a cesta for her grandson! Ballsy, but she gave a player 30 bucks for one of his played out cestas, and I was on my way!) tossing lacrosse balls against our school wall, breaking windows with bad shots, and sitting in the principle's office explaining how lacrosse balls wound up in the classrooms surrounded by broken glass! Sure, we were never good enough to turn pro, in fact we weren't even Good PERIOD, but it was the purity of the basket on your hand, tossing the ball against a wall, that was far closer to the spirit of the 'Merry Festival', than any of the other trappings of the sport. So now I'll just strap on my cesta (I have three now), and toss the ball, and hope any of you near Milford, CT. feel free to contact m about Jai Alai road Trips or re-learning the game again. Thanks, Tiger----Steve, Milford, CT.

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