A really good post, and it drives home a point that I think is
important. Without new blood from Spain/France...the sport will
not survive, no matter how well Miami and Dania are doing (and
we know they're not.) Anyone ever been to Miami's room that looks
a little like a jai-alai museum? There was an article that gave
the average age of jai-alai player as 22. That was from 50 years
ago. 5 years ago, there were enough good players to play a good
sub-25 tournament and now?? How many players are there born after
1980? AND....how many of those same players were here before the
turn of the century?
Think of this...only three players made U.S. debuts in 2004...Curvuer
(26 years old and did not do well at all), Etxabe II (has a future)
and Ikeda II (I can't judge, because I didn't see him.) How many
players retired?
We haven't had sun in the Northeast for three days, and the forecast
is bad. Here's some more dark clouds for you.
We talk about Robertico a lot in these forums. We need about 30