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Not A Lucky Strike

Posted on April 16, 2004 at 10:32:43 AM by Victor

April 16th 1988 a day that will live in infamy. There is no doubt in my mind that jai-alai would be much less moribund today if the strike would have never happened. In 1987 the 3 Conn. frontons had experieced 6 straight years of increasing handle, culminating with a record $255,111,881.00 for that year (and I'm sure it was similar in the Florida frontons), So I would tend to think the strike might have negatively impacted jai-alai. I've said this before but I think it bears repeating. In my opinion the 2 most important things are the sport and the fans. The three principals involved either didn't know that or didn't care. The owners, the striking players and the so called 'replacement' players are all in varying degrees to blame. In retrospect the owners might realize that you don't put an inferior product on the court (it's a disrepecting the game and the fans) the striking players might realize that they really didn't have it that bad and insulting the very people who provide your livelyhood and you want on your side is not only disrespectful but suicidal. I think the majority of the replacement players
probably realize but don't care (because wherever there are people that don't know any better they can say they played pro jai-alai like if it means something special) that instead of improving or at least maintaining the status quo of a game they supposedly loved, they made a mockery of it (once again the sport and fans get disrespected). Oddly enough it was the non striking players who had the biggest pelotas and they must have suffered the indignity of having to play under those circumstances (there were ex pros myself included that didn't play for that very reason). In conclusion nobody blinked and nobody won, praise the lord and pass the ammunition!!!


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