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Re(1): Response to Tiger : Automation

Posted on September 23, 2003 at 07:28:49 AM by Tiger

I guess you can impute the 400 figure, since there's no other way for #8 to win.

For #1-#7's wins, and for ALL the posts' losses, you can't derive the numbers (your Item #7), except by charting the games. To me, that would be an impossible task, and I would hope for you, too, you shouldn't have that much time available, even if you're a computer nerd like me.

A database is out of the question - too much work, and you would need WAY, WAY more data. Don't get me wrong, I would love to get it if I could.

I'm open to the idea that there could be some merit over the short haul (3 or 4 days) to pick up 'current performance' - even then, you should assign successively less weight to each older performance.

My system uses only win/no-win as the input, although I interpret that differently depending on the game conditions (posts, opposition-and THEIR ratings), I can take a few days off and still get the data I need.


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